District Governor Gordon Jumper speaking with our team |
Saturday in Springfield we went to Crowne Plaza for the District Assembly. When we arrived we had a little time to ourselves so we did some work on our presentation to improve it. We are now half way in to our 4 weeks here and we have done several presentations and are getting a feel for what to improve.
We also had some time to meet the GSE team that is coming to us in Sweden I May. They wanted some “inside information” about the weather, shoes on or off inside houses, what “fika” is and some more things about our district in Sweden. And we are happy to help! We want them to have as wonderful time in Sweden as we are having here.
At the Assembly we did our presentation, listen to the American team presentation and other Rotarians and also had a very nice lunch. After the assembly we went shopping at the mall and a nice dinner with host families at the Texas steakhouse.
Do I have to say that we slept really well that night!
The Swedish team and the team from Illinois in a private meeting at the assembly. |
Hi team,
SvaraRaderatime goes fast. You are already in the middle of your trip. Telling you we have got som more snow today so you are lucky being away. But, the spring is near now.
Good to see that you have a diversified program and you can learn a lot. Keep on blogging - we follow your reports.
Bo Bergman