onsdag 11 april 2012

April 7 Macomb

We started Saturday in Macomb with a guided tour and lunch at Hy-vee supermarket . One of the Rotarians that welcomed us was Mr S. Hopper the teamleader for the GSE team to Sweden i May. Wearing a shirt with SWEDEN all over it. He really made us feel welcome! At the supermarket we got a guieded tour  and it´s really interesting to see the BIG variety of groceries they have here. I would probably shop too much if I had this kind of store at home. After that we visited the smaller retail establishments in Macomb and the Art Gallery.
The evening was in the company of host families and other Rotarians from all clubs in Macomb at the Bailey House where we had a potluck dinner, what we in Sweden usually call “knytkalas”. We were entertained by the local musichan Chris Vallillo that sang songs with some Abraham Lincon indfluenses. Very appreciated!

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