söndag 22 april 2012

April 17th

The team visits the Old State Capitol and the Abraham Lincoln National Survey Museum after having breakfast at a place called Incredibly Delicious.

The Old State Capitol in Springfield.
The Abraham Lincoln National Survey Museum featured NOAA's Science on a Sphere. Science on a Sphere is a room sized, global display system that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six foot diameter sphere, analogous to a giant animated globe. The photograph below was taken during the display of Facebook friends around the world and how the users on Facebook are connected around the globe via their friends, both national and international. The system was also capable of showing global air traffic during a 24h period and the effects on the Tsunami that hit Japan!

Inside the Abraham Lincoln National Survey Museum, Science on a Sphere showing Facebook friends around the globe.

Later the team had lunch at Maldaners in Springfield. The team was recomended to try the famous dish called Horse Shoe. And of course the team followed the recomendations.

The perfect Horse Shoe: Some bread, a hamburger, fries and cheese.

After lunch the team was transfered to Peoria. The team whises to thank the host families in Springfield for their tremendous hospitality!

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